Friday 7th May
Weight: 66.4...Okay I'd already eaten breakfast and had a large mug of tea, and I'd been out for a power walk (so muscles pumped!!) so not stressing too much about this.
Lollies/Biscuits: Yep 3 this morning when I got to work to have with my cup of coffee.
Exercise: Certainly did. 50 minute power walk.
Alcohol: No, but definitely hanging out for some.
Yippee, it's Friday. I've got the day off work on Monday so that I can go with Nick to do his theory test for his Ozzie licence. Luckily he doesn't have to do a practical test, just a 32 question multiple choice theory test. I'll keep you informed how he goes. He's studying like mad at the moment as he wants to do really well.
Not going to talk about the house...maybe next week.
We're meeting up with a large bunch of british expats tomorrow for lunch, which should be fun. I've already met quite a few of them from other get togethers, but there will be some new ones that I don't know. Maybe Nick will get to know a few as well.
Got really wound up when I got home last night. Think it was a mixture of everything i.e. house not sold, house we're living in is freezing, my weight gain, no job security yet, and a couple more and poor Nick was right in the firing line so he copped an earful. I did tell him that it wasn't about him and he did understand, bless him.
Nick's talking about buying me a mini disc player for Mother's Day. Sure beats carrying the CD player or the Cassette player when I'm out walking or running, and the quality is 10 times better, and it holds tons of music.
Alana's school had a mother's day stall so the kids could buy things for their mums. Alana bought me a candle with Happy Mothers Day on it and also a bright green pen with a little head and lots of hair on the top. She's decided that she likes the pen herself so she's going to keep it now!! I'd even given her $10 to take with her and she ends up only spending $2.50!! Must remember to take the $10 note out of her purse, otherwise she'll probably lose it.
Have a great weekend you lot.
Thursday 6th May
Weight: 66.2....again!
Lollies/Biscuits: Okay another 2 biscuits this morning and I'm currently working my way througha packet of chocolate bullets.....can't help myself
Exercise: Yey...out at 6.30 this morning for a 50 minute power walk.
I've totally given up on the house now. I'm not even going to ask anymore. Nick can just surprise me one day with the news and that'll be that.
My biggest gripe is that the longer the house doesn't sell, the longer we have to stay in the rented house. It's so bloody cold in this house that I have to wear socks to bed and have to huddle round the heater at night. Even the sun doesn't really warm up the house, not even when it's really hot. Can't wait for ducted heating in all rooms...that'll be a must have when looking for new houses.
Now with regards to the circuit training last didn't happen. I decided that I really didn't want to walk home in the dark...yeah yeah, I'm a bit of a woos at the end of the day, but I really don't like walking in the dark. Never know who might jump out at you. Take for example the old woman who was mugged in broad daylight on the same road that I would've walked home on. She died in hospital the following day from her injuries. Admittedly she had just withdrawn $4,000 from her bank account so I have a feeling the mugger knew this and followed her, but even so, it was in broad daylight!!
So we have now decided that Nick needs to find a cheap run around car so that I don't have to rely on him, and we can both do our own thing if we need both cars. Just need to have a look around and see what's out there. Should be able to find something around $2,000 that'll get him from point A to B without breaking down!!
I've managed to get through the first 3 weeks of Open University and I've already completed the assignment...not sure if it's right or not, but it's done so just need to send it off now. Then the wait until the results come back...very nail biting stuff!!
It's Mothers Day on Sunday so we're going to take Alana to tennis in the morning and then we're going to organise a picnic and go for a drive somewhere nice. Going to be a lovely weekend too. The weather has improved again and the sun is shining. Should stay that way until late next week. No excuse not to go for a run or walk on the weekend either. Just need motivation!!
Wednesday 5th May
Weight: 66.2...still
Biscuits/Lollies: Packet of choc bullets yesterday afternoon and 2 biscuits already today
Exercise: Planning on doing a circuit training class tonight (will let you know if it happened tomorrow)
Alcohol: No, but can't wait for Saturday to have a glass (or two) of champagne
Well I've given up now on ever selling our house. Nick's dad still hasn't heard anything so he's now looking into finding another agent if we don't hear by tomorrow. Not going to give it another thought today as I don't want to stress any more than I already am. I'm sure my blood pressure is in the not very good category. Must be why I'm still getting spots on my chin....not good!!
Had my hair highlighted and trimmed last night. It was great to catch up with Kerry again and we had a real chinwag, putting the world to rights. I've put a long fringe back into the front of my hair as I felt as if my face was looking really drawn with it being all one length. Only down side is that I will need to use the straighteners to straighten the fring each morning. The things we do for vanity!!
As mentioned above, I am going to go to a circuit training class tonight. Alana does gymnastics at the Leisure Centre from 5.20 - 6.20pm and the circuit training class starts at 6.30, so I should make the most of the fact that I'm already there. Nick will take Alana home and I can run home when I've finished the class. I know it's going to be dark but it's a main road and it's pretty well lit so I should be safe. I'll take my mobile phone anyway....on second thoughts I might walk home as I'll probably be so wrecked after doing the class I probably won't be able to run anyway!!
Tuesday 4th May
Weight: 66.2...okay it hasn't gone up today
Biscuits/Lollies: 2 biscuits so far
Exercise: None at all
Alcohol: No....but desparately want some
Pretty boring day yesterday. Nothing really new to add. Have to wait until tomorrow morning to hear if anything has been done about the house. Hope this woman decides to go ahead and complete, otherwise it's going to take us another couple of months to go through it all again.....just can't face that thought right now.
I'm off to get my hair highlighted and cut tonight. My friend Kerry does it for me at a really good price, although they tend not to highlight the whole head, just the roots on the top and side and the bottom of the back (in case it gets put up in a ponytail), so it doesn't take as long to do, but it doesn't seem as blonde. Nick is also getting his cut too so the whole family are driving over. I've decided to get a long fringe cut back into the front as it's looking quite flat now, especially when I straighten it with the straighteners.
Alana's teacher spoke to Nick last week about her writing. Seems that she gets really frustrated when she can't write the letters properly and so we've been asked to do some extra work with her at home. Even just over the last few days, she's really picked up and is much better already at writing letters. Her biggest problems are the letter k and r. Will concentrate on getting these right this week. Other than that, she is doing really well at school. Her reading is fantastic and she can read all by herself now (well with the books that she brings home that is!!). We've got parent/teacher interviews at the end of this term so I'm looking forward to hearing what her teacher has to say about her.
Took her to her swimming lessons last night and she is now able to lay on her back with one of those long, thin, round sponge things behind her and kick all by herself. She absolutely loves the water and since she lost the fear to put her head in the water, she's done so much better.
I've now started my Open University course and it's very intensive. Lots of reading and searching the internet for answers. Can't say that I'm enjoying it yet, but hopefully it's going to sink in soon. I think I enjoy finding the answers to the multiple choice questions on the assignments the best. Much more so than actually taking in any of the information that I'm learning. Just hope that I get a better score with this course than I did with the last one (even though I passed it....just).
Monday 3rd May
Weight: 66.2...sigh
Alcohol: 2 glasses of champagne on Sat night
Biscuits/Lollies: Packet of Picnic Chocettes on Saturday and one biscuit this morning.
Exercise: Nothing over the weekend..another sigh
Well what can I say. No completion on the house, weight has gone up again and the weather is still pretty miserable. So no good news at all really.....big sigh.
On a good note, I met up with about 6 of the girlies from the British Expats site and we had an evening out at the casino on Saturday night. Had a real laugh which I haven't done since I've been back in Oz. Actually won about $90 too playing the pokies, but stupidly I put it all back in them. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Seems that the woman who is buying our house now wants to go round and talk to the neighbour beside our place about the stupid tree, but as it's a long weekend she can't speak to them until tomorrow. We've now said that if a decision hasn't been made by tomorrow we are going to put it back on the market and use a different agent. So we wait and see what happens now. Thing is that the exchange rate is going up again so we really want our money before it falls. This waiting is just doing my head in and I'm almost ready to explode. No wonder I've got 2 spots on my chin...aagghhh.
Keep putting off the exercise too. Can't decide whether to join a gym or not. Not knowing where we will eventually buy a house makes it hard to make a decision as to which gym to join as well. There is a leisure centre just down the road where you can pay as you go, but it's just so expensive to do that. Really need to pull my finger out as it's now too dark to go out for a walk/run when I get home and it's so cold getting up at 6.30am to go for a walk/run too. Decisions, decisions!!!
What I really need is a running/gym partner who'll meet me somewhere so that I can't back out of doing things. Jules you are so missed. You really gave me that motivation to get out and run or meet you at the gym. I need someone just like you.....sure you can't move out here?