Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunday 3rd July

Well it's the start of a new financial year over here. And of course because I work for the MD, there was alot of work to do sorting out the budget and getting all the figures together, collating and sorting into binders and then sending them out to all the board members for thier board meeting next week.

Needless to say it was total bedlam and I was run off my feet!! It was nice to be busy for a change, and I hope that it continues. Can you believe that I've now been in my new job for over 2 months. Another month and then I get a pay increase....yey!!!

It's school holidays at the moment so me and my Sister took our daughters to see Disney on Ice yesterday. It was fun for all the girls, but I'd had enough of my sister by the end of the day and I was glad to get home and put my feet up with a nice glass of champers.

We're right into winter now. Weather has been rainy and then sunny, so I can't complain really.

Haven't done any more on the house. At least all the leaves have stopped falling in the garden now, so one last blow with the Blower Vac and we shouldn't have to use it again until next Autumn!!

I'm off today for another 20km run with my friend Michlle. It's only 2 more weeks until the 1/2 marathon so I need to get in some serious running. Just hope the weather holds out. At least it's not raining today!

Alana's Quote of the Day: "I want to be just like you Mummy!"


At 7:52 AM, Blogger The Complimenting Commenter said...

Good post. Sounds like some fun stuff at the job. Hope the pay increase comes quickly. Nice about taking the daughters out. And a great quote.


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