Saturday, June 04, 2005

Saturday 4th June

Didn't have time to put up a post yesterday as it was hectic at work. About time that it started to get busy. Saying that my boss is off to China and Japan for just over a week so it'll be back to boring again!!

I took Alana for her 6 week checkup with the Optometrist and she has come on in leaps and bounds by wearing her glasses. The woman took her through some of the same tests that she had problems with before and she was so much better this time.

And her first tooth fell out on Monday. She was very excited about it too. Couldn't wait to tell me when I went to pick her up from school. And she was even more excited when the tooth fairy left $2 for her.

Here she is wearing her favourite hat. She is still wearing her pyjamas, but wanted to wear the hat as soon as she got out of bed!!

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We are also the proud new owners of a dining table and chairs. Previously we were using a kitchen table that my sister had lent us. The chairs were absolutely awful, and when you sat on them there was no padding left at all so you sunk through the chair. Not very comfortable I can tell you.

We can now invite people over for dinner....well when we get a new oven!

It's big and square and it's got 8 seats....and the seats are purple - is there any other colour???

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We're going to a 21st party at lunch time today. It's my friend's Margaret's son. I still remember when he was born!! I'm feeling old now. Oh well, free bar and lots of champagne should help me forget!

Alana's Quote of the Day: "So Mummy, how was your day at work?"


At 4:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Babes - great table and chairs - of course I approve! Glad to hear that Sprog is doing better with her eyesight. Great news.Work's been hectic, so I haven't really been posting to the other blog. Anyway, just wanted to touch base. Love to Nick too. Helsy xxx


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