Friday 30th April
Weight: 66.2 (WTF)
Biscuits/Lollies: Okay 6 biscuits yesterday and a packet of chocolate's a very stressful time at the moment!
Exercise: Rain and Thunderstorms yesterday eveing and this morning, so NO.
Haven't heard anything about the house yet, so I can only assume that it's not going to happen today, but saying that it's only 5am in the UK, so we may get a phone call tonight to say that it's all done and completed. Now wouldn't that be cause for celebration and a good excuse to have a drink.
I've been checking out real estate websites and I've seen a couple of nice houses that are in our price range. God I wish this money would hurry up and come through so that we can at least put in an offer on one.
As mentioned above, we had a massive thunderstorm last night which went on forever. Torrential rain, which is really needed, but enough now. I'm freezing to death and just can't get warm, so some sun and warmth would be good. Nick wants me to wear socks to bed as my feet are like blocks of ice and he won't let me near him until they're warm!!
Thursday 29th April
Weight: 65.6 (see below for reason)
Biscuits: 4 1/2 Tim Tam Biscuits last night
Exercise: No (lazy cow that I am)
Well Jules sent me some photos today of the girlie night last weekend. Lucy has grown so much, she's a real little girl now with the cutest pigtails too. But where's the photo of all of you together???
Took Alana to gymnastics last night. She really enjoyed it too, and as this is the second night, she understood what to do and how to do it too.
There's talk of the house completing on Friday, but I'm not going to hold my breath as it never seems to work out that way. If it does complete I'll be on the phone to the money people to transfer it straight out here so we can seriously start looking for a house to buy.
Weather is nice again. Sunny and 21 degrees today so the washing should dry on the line.
Back to work!
Tuesday 27th April
Okay I'm going to make this blog into something like Bridget Jones Diary, so I can remember things.
Weight: 65.4 (going down at last)
Biscuits: 1 so far (it's 10.30am)
Alcohol: Not intending to drink any today.
Exercise: 6.30am out the door - 57 mins power walking.
I'm exhausted already. Didn't sleep too well last night (so much to stress about at the moment) and I had the most vivid dream that I was the only one who witnessed a huge pileup on the way home from wherever?? (lots more detailed but too long to explain).
Something good to brag about though. Alana finally got the courage up to put her head under the water last night in the bath. Now that she's got past this fear, her swimming should improve really quickly.
For all of you who don't know, I'm doing the next course in my Web Development Certificate at the Open University. This one is all about server side scripting and ASP (I can see you all now, scratching your head, saying what is she on about). Anyway I was having a few problems getting a software package installed, but it's all up and running now so I can get on with studying and getting through the course.
The weather is now much cooler and the weekend was so cold. We've got a portable oil heater in the house and it follwed me around wherever I was in the house. It poured with rain too, but saying that, we do need the rain as it hasn't rained for so long. It's improved a bit this week and the sun will hopefully come out again soon.
Okay so back to work now.
Monday 26th April
Ooh this is exciting. My very own diary that everyone can view.
Well, it's Monday morning and I'm back at work after having 3 days holiday last week.
Still nothing to do, hence me setting up this blog. Hopefully I'll get some work to do soon though. If not, then I'm going to ask if I can go home. Got lots of things to do there....ironing, washing, cleaning - maybe even do some of my Open University work.
Well that'll do for now. Will keep updating as and when I have things to add