Friday, October 29, 2004

Friday 29th October

Another weekend approaches. A nice sunny weekend with it too!!
Had a bit of a dilema (sp?). The weather forecast is predicting rain for Oaks Day and my outfit doesn't allow for rain at all!!
So I've had to consider other options if it does rain. Have just got in from shopping and have added 2 jackets to my wardrobe now.
I'd seen the first one and bought it straight away. It's a shortish jacket with fur around the collar and sleeves and is sort of a casual sexy type look.
Then I walked into the next shop and saw a much more classy jacket which is nearly to the knee and is quite fitted with a small fur collar. So I bought this one too!!
I've also managed to find another pearl choker too. So I'm now sorted again....unless I decide to wear trousers instead, then I've got to go and find a nice sexy top to wear!! I can see it being a last minute dash to the shops on Wednesday lunch time to find something!!

Was laying in bed last night in a very deep and comfy sleep,when all of a sudden I heard Alana screaming. Woke up and ran into her room to see what the problem is.....the power had gone off and she was in total darkness!! She sleeps with a night light on, and if she had her way she'd also sleep with the hall light and the kitchen light on too!! So we had an unexpected guest in the bed at 3.30 this morning!! Nick now understands why we bought the King Size bed!! Luckily the power turned on again about 15 minutes later so she was shepherded back to bed!!

It's a long weekend for alot of people this weekend. Melbourne Cup Day is run on Tuesday and alot of people take the Monday off too. Alana has got the day off school so Nick has taken the day off to look after, I've got to go to work! At least it'll be nice and quiet


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