Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Tuesday 26th October

Such a crap night's sleep. Couldn't breathe at all so I kept waking up with dry lips and a really parched throat. I keep a bottle of water and a lip balm next to my bed so I swigged on the water and put on tons of the balm. Then I woke up 'cos I had to go to the toilet due to the amount of water I was drinking!!!
I ended up sleeping sitting up so that my nose could at least drain itself of the crap up there (sorry that was a bit graphic wasn't it!!).
Needless to say I'm not looking or feeling my best today. There is some good news though, I've lost 2.4kg in a week (that's 5lb for all you lot who can't convert!!). Not sure how I've done it, apart from saying no to chocolate, biscuits, lollies and cake (but checkout my weight blog for more info).
Can't say that I can see much difference yet, but I've got my trusty black velvet trousers that I try on now and then and I can tell by how tight they are as to how much more weight I need to lose!!

Nick's got an interview on Thursday for a job working in a pharmaceutical company warehouse. I'd seen the ad on a job website and applied for him. Only downside is that they've taken the ad off the website, so we're not really sure what the job actually entails!!! That'll keep Nick on his toes at the interview anyway!

Lisa, when is Sue due to arrive here? Please give her my number as I'd love to catch up with her while she's over and she is also more than welcome to stay if she needs somewhere.

Just looking out of the window and it's started to rain. Well there goes all my nice dry washing on the line!!!


At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you're feeling grotty honey. Fingers crossed that you're through the worse of it. And good luck to Nick for the interview. xxxx

27/10/04 04:53 am


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