Monday, October 18, 2004

Monday 18th October

Exhausted, I'm exhausted that's what I am!!! Can't believe that one night out has put me into a state like this. For god's sake it was only one night out on the town....does this show my age or what???

The band was great though and I had a really good dance session. The arms were a bit sore the next morning though from all that waving them in the air!!

I went to a great nursery yesterday to get some Azaleas and some Fuscias. It was a lovely drive to get there too. Have to drive up the mountain and as it was a beautiful sunny day, I was really chilled out by the time I got there.
When I got home, my mission for the day was to dig up all the Agapanthus that are planted down the side of the driveway. I really dislike them and they have now been labelled as a weed in Melbourne.

So I get out the shovel and the fork and get started on the first one (there are about 9 of them I think). Well by the end of the day I had removed one of them!!! These things have got roots like you would not believe, and they go so far into the soil that I'm going to have to dig out all of the soil and put new stuff in as there are just so many roots!!

So my mission over the next few weeks is to dig out all the Agapanthus!! I've been informed that if I spray them with Roundup it'll kill them, roots and all. May have to go down to Bunnings and investigate!!


At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya, no not at all, me I didn't even know who they were so I looked them up - glad you had a great time. It was my first free weekend in over a year and it was lovely. But I managed to drink a case of wine!!! maybe I should'nt have and then I could have got alot more done. Oh well it was nice to let my hair down and be off my face. Today I feel very tired as it is catching up with me and I went to bed really late last night just to make things worse.
Happy gardening J Love Lx

18/10/04 08:05 pm

At 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time chick. Got your text on Saturday but figured that you wouldn't appreciate getting a text back at silly oclock! Am sooo tired. Been writing blurry thank you cards - it's exhausting! But then everyone's been so generous so the least we can do is say thank you! Also bought some art from Barbers (opposite MaccieDs) lovely glass work thingy by Jo Downs. Ooh dinner's ready. xxxx

19/10/04 05:08 am


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