Thursday, September 16, 2004

Thursday 16th September

I've just realised that a year ago tomorrow I left the UK to fly to Oz.
Can you believe how quickly the time has gone!!!

Thought I might list some of the events over the last year as it seems like I haven't really done that much over the year, but thinking about it, maybe I have!!

Survived plane journey to Oz
Moved in with parents
Alana started Kindegarten
House Sat for ex's parents
Xmas in Oz
House sat for Brother in Sydney
New Years Eve (alone!!)
Bought a car
Alana's 5th birthday
Alana started school
Moved into rental house
My Birthday
Nick arrived
Got a job
Julia & Pete came to stay
Furniture from UK arrived
Bought a house
Nick's Birthday
Bought another car

Nope, writing it all down, there's not that much to show for my year in Oz. Suppose there's lots of little things that have happened as well that don't really merit a mention.

Oh well, roll on the next year!!
Joined a gym


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