Wednesday 18th August
Nick got out the camera yesterday and took some photos of the house so I've attached a few.This is the house from the top of the road. We actually live in a court but it goes both left and right. Hardly any traffic coming in or out, apart from first thing in the morning when everyone is leaving for work.
Here's the decking where I'm going to be getting my suntan this summer. It also goes right around the back of the house too. It gets the sun for most of the day, so Helsy book your spot now!!
And of course what house would be complete without the BBQ. We have 2 (of course), one is connected to the gas mains and the other is if we want the real charcoal effect and want to use wood to light it...not likely!!
Me and Alana were playing around with the camera on the weekend and she wanted to take some photos. Think she's going to be a budding phototgrapher as this is one she took of me....not bad for a 5 year old - her that is, not me!!!
Hiya. Great piccies - that's one talented god daughter I have! Can't wait for February! Going to really need the break by then! Have a fabulous weekend in the City. I thought you meant something else, but enjoy the Casino too!! Love to all xxxx
19/08/04 05:19 am
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