Thursday 12th August
I'm feeling a bit low today. Think it's an accumulation of my cough (which I still can't get rid of) my early mornings at the gym and the boredom at work.With regards to the work thing, things are going to change soon, and I'll be moving roles just after school holidays, with more hours.
Alana will have to go into after school care 4 days per week, but it'll only be from 3.30 until 5.30ish and she's already asking if she can go into after school care anyway. When questioned why she says that a couple of her friends in her class go and she wants to as well!!
I've been to the gym 6 days in a row now. I'm going to have Sunday off though.....ooohh the thought of a lie in really appeals to me right now....that's if the stupid dog next door doesn't start up or those noisy crows that squawk at 6am continuously for hours.
I'm going to photograph another bag of Alana's clothes this weekend and put them on Ebay again. See if I can make some more money.
Heh chick - look at you! 6 days in a row. Very impressive. Well we went to Wotton House yesterday and sorted the flowers too. Getting excited now!! Anyway, gotta go - got to tidy the house up. Steve's off to Prague this weekend for his Stag do, and I'm meeting up with the girls on Sat at Pizza Express in Guildford. Can't wait for Barcelona though! xx
12/08/04 08:23 pm
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