Monday, March 21, 2005

Monday 21st March

Off work sick today. I've somehow picked up a really nasty cold. Had a sickie on Friday as well, but was hoping I'd be better by now. It seems to be getting worse!

Okay I've handed in my notice. Leaving on the 13th April. It was a bit sad as Margaret and I are very good friends and I felt like I was letting her down. She took it well!

Now I've got to get my a*se into gear and find myself a new job. I've found the recruitment agency that Glaxo use so I've sent my CV to them and have spoken to both of the consultants there. I actually got a phone call today to see if I was available to do some temp work there. Bummer hey!

It was a lovely sunny weekend. Me being sick and all really didn't make the most of it, although we did go over to Kerry's house so that we could get our hair cut and highlighted. Nick comes along with me now as Kerry cuts his hair too....and what a great job she does on it. Looks much better than when the Italian Barber cut it!
We ended up having a late lunch at The Kilsyth Club. I ordered a pie floater but was most disappointed as it wasn't floating in gravy. Not one drop on the plate. Don't think Aussies really understand the term "floater". Anway will know not to order that again!

Yesterday I got out of my sick bed so that I could go to an Undercover Wear party - sort of like Ann Summers but without all the "extra" bits if you know what I mean. Mainly underwear and some clothes too. Sat there sniffing and snorting through the whole thing. But at least I got champagne so it was worth going just for that!

I've been out in the garden today as it was another lovely sunny one. I decided to plant all of the plants that I've been saving for where the Agapanthas were but it looks like I'm not going to get that done for a while so I've made up a little fuscia garden and planted them all together, and have planted the boronias and the azaleas down the back where there was a big bare patch.

I haven't planted the rhododendrums yet as I'm not sure where to put them. I may even plant them in pots and keep them on the decking instead. At least I can bring them in for the winter then if it gets too cold.

I do think my thumbs are developing a tinge of green! As I've never really had the time to garden before I haven't really bothered, but today was the day to start. Might have to nip down to the garden centre this weekend and see if there's any other nice plants to buy!

There was only one little mishap. Where the fuscia are is just underneath the decking. I stood up a bit too quickly and bonked the top of my head on the decking and you could have heard me scream for at least a mile up the road. It bloody hurt like hell! I'm going to have a huge bump there now. I could see myself driving to hospital with blood pumping out the top of my head.....I get good at imagining these things sometimes!

Nick's parents arrive Tuesday next week. And the plasterer rang this morning as I'm trying to get Alana out the door for school to ask if he can start work on the walls this Wednesday. So at least we'll have the walls done before they arrive. Just hope they bring their paintbrushes with them!

And another thing to celebrate. The people next door with the barking dog moved out over the weekend. Now if ever there was a reason to celebrate then this is it. It was lovely last night, going to bed knowing that I wasn't going to have to listen to that damned dog. And it was even better this morning to look out the front window and there were no cars parked in front of our house. Just keeps getting better and better!

Alana's Quote of the Day: "Mummy that's ridiculous"


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