Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Wednesday 1st December

It's the first day of summer......yeeyyy!!!

Well some good news first. Nick has received a letter offering him the job with the Sheriffs Department. He just needs to fill out some forms and send them back. So it looks like a New Year start.
This means that we now have to get Vacation Care for Alana, which is not a bad thing, especially for her as the school that her school recommends (as they don't do a Vacation Care program themselves) has a great array of things to do, so I'm sure she's going to really enjoy it.

I'm going up town tomorrow to meet Sue after her tram car restaurant meal. And I'm going to stay up there as well, so it should be a fun night out. Will get the train up there and then I can train it to work the following morning.
I'm hoping not to get too plastered as I want to be in a coherent condition for work!!

Alana has her first dentist appointment next week. They do a school program with a mobile dentist. I'm not sure how keen Alana is to see the dentist but we've got a book about dentists and we've been reading it regularly so that she understands what's going to happen!! I'm sure there'll be no problems with her teeth apart from maybe the thumb sucking. It may have pushed her top teeth forward a bit.

We're probably going to go to the beach on Sunday as it's going to be a nice warm day (33 degrees). Not sure if my body is in any condition to be shown to the world....but what the hell - it's summer!!!


At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent news well done Nick. It was worth waiting for.
Hope you two have a fun night out tonight looking forward to hearing all about it. And stay out of that casino!
Miss you all big hugs.

02/12/04 02:50 am


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