Tuesday 16th November
Spring is here again. Beautiful day today....well I was looking at it through the window anyway. Didn't actually get to enjoy the day at all. It's going to be 33 degrees tomorrow....won't get to enjoy that either. And of course it's going to be another crappy weekend....unless something drastic happens with the weather!!!Where is that summer??? Why hasn't it arrived yet???
Now would you employ this responsible, mature, dedicated individual?
Nick thinks his interview went really well, but he won't find out if he's been recommended for the job for a couple of weeks yet. Not sure what happens after that, but fingers and toes are still crossed!!
We had someone come round and give us a quote for gettting the tree cut down. It's going to cost us about $240 to have the branch cut down, cut into small logs and have the leaves and small branches taken away. That's a pretty good price to us so that'll probably be done by the end of the week.
Looks like we're going to use the fireplace again!!
I'm excited....we are going to Ikea on Thursday night. It's late night shopping so the store stays open until 9pm. Nick is going to come past and pick me up after work, then drop me off back at work so I can drive the car home. Hope there's some good stuff to buy. We're looking for a bed, tables etc for the guest bedroom (thought we'd better get something nice and comfy before Helsy & Steve arrive.....I know how much Helsy likes her sleep!!).
Everything crossed for you Nick. (I would give you a job).
Hope you find something for Hels & Steve to sleep on, have fun shopping :-)
I'm training for the next 3 days on a reporting tool - quite looking forward to it then later tonight I am seeing Anastasia in concert at Wembly can't wait should be realy good.
Take care all
16/11/04 08:23 pm
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