Friday, November 19, 2004

Friday 19th November

It's official - I'm getting old....I've just found the start of a varicose vein on the back of my calf.....aaaggghhh!!!!
Need to look at what I can do to get rid of it. I think you can now have injections that reduce the vein......gonna have to check that out - FAST!!!

We went to Ikea last night. It was spooky...I could have been in the one at Wembley, it was exactly the same - layout, design, even the size of it. The only difference was that it was attached to a large shopping centre, and it didn't take forever to get there like it did in the UK!! I even managed to say NO to the Dime Bars!!

Alana now has a hanging fly net over her bed. She absolutely loves it, and I think it gives her peace of mind about the spiders and bugs too (thank goodness).

Do you know that the other night I was up at 3am because she'd seen a spider in her room. Now I have no idea how she saw this spider as it was behind her toy snakes that are on top of her shelving....I couldn't see it at first. I had to actually stand on her bed to see it!!! She has some kind of inbuilt radar when it comes to spiders!

Another crappy weekend coming up weather wise!! I was really hoping that it was going to be a nice weekend as we have some friends coming over for a BBQ. And of course we've just bought our new outdoor setting, so really wanted to use that!! I just hope the rain holds off while Nick's BBQing the food!!

I've seen that it's been snowing over there. Any snow in Surrey? That's the only bit of the UK winter that I loved. It was great waking up to a white world. Alana wants to go back to the UK just for the snow!!


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